Well, I decided that making supper wasn’t good enough for Chantale tonight. I wanted to give her an extra-special treat so I asked her out for supper 🙂 (What? Just cause we’re engaged doesn’t mean I can’t ask her out on a date! 🙂 )
I felt like driving somewhere so she picked me up at Joliette Metro and I drove us to the Vieux Duluth in Pointe Claire 🙂 We had a really nice supper in a very empty restaurant :> Great and very tasty food as always 🙂
We got home 2 hours later and took a nice hot bath together 🙂 Afterwards, well, there was that matter of a summary report that’s due tomorrow. So, after I made us each a cup of tea (Echinacea for her, Apple Cinnamon for me), she worked on her computer while I took care of other business on my laptop.
(at about this point I can picture most guys slapping their heads at all this romantic hoolaballoo 🙂 )
And now, almost 2 hours later, I made us each another cup of tea (again, Echinacea for her, Camomille for me) and she’s finishing up her report while I’m clearing through old emails. Thus, I decided to log back on here and post this little report. I’m still quite amazed at how quickly time flies 🙂