babble babble babble

my Team took me to lunch today for my birthday 🙂 and yesterday they got me a cake and card! really nice 🙂

just bla bla.

1- Took the afternoon off yesterday since it was my Birthday 🙂 Went to Komico to get my batch of comics (yowtch! and then I picked up the Xenozoic Tales trade! yay!). Afterwards, headed to the kids’ school and had a friendly chat with the Principal 🙂 The kids finished class and I took them downtown to pick up Chantale. From there, we headed off to Picasso’s for a Birthday Supper! (thanks Sweetie! 🙂 ) and after that wonderful meal I drove the kids back.

2- After we dropped off the kids, Chantale and I headed to Guzzo on Sources to watch X2. Yeah! Loved it 🙂 Saw lots of the “nuances” way in advance (having knowledge of the source material obviously helps 🙂 ). I look forward to X3 !!

3- bday gifts included a new Epson Stylus 82 printer (yay! thanks, love!) supper and movie of course 🙂 , and an electric screwdriver from my in-laws (you don’t realize how useful it is until you own one! 🙂 ). I haven’t seen my parents yet so I don’t know what they got me!

bla bla continued

1- I went to court on the 13th. It was quite an interesting experience if at times nerve wracking. Things are settled and now I have to dish out more money on a monthly basis. c’est la vie and expected. Until the kids are older, of course.

2- I gave another performance review on Monday. I’m very much getting the hang of it all, being my fourth 🙂

3- last Sunday (mother’s day) Chantale and I ushered at church. always fun 🙂 Followed by a feast at my parents, coffee at our place, and supper at her parents.

encora bla bla

1- I took last friday off as a moving day. what a busy day it was.

2- I went for the second Casting for the next batch of Standard Life commercials on the 7th. Fun and I hope I did well. I’ll know in a few weeks if I’ve been chosen. Here’s to finger-crossing and good-wishes-sending!!! 🙂

final bla

1- have to pack up the desk tomorrow. we’re moving this weekend to our new offices on Stanley and Maissonneuve. So, not only a casual friday tomorrow, but a packing one as well 🙂

2- we’re holding a wine and cheese 5 a 7 tonight. gonna chat briefly and then head off as Leon’s finally opened in the West Island today and Chantale and I have living room and dining room furniture to buy!!! 🙂

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