I didn’t sleep a wink last night. I don’t believe it had anything to do with the massive amount of food that was ingested at the 2 family BBQs. After all, we got to bed at around midnight, which was at least 5 hours after our last meal!
But, there I was, tossing and turning, watching the minutes and hours click by horribly slowly…
This morning was excruciating to get up. ack. Worse of all, I felt queasy and nauseous and just plain ill. I’m still a little that way, but I seem to have found a bit of an appetite again. Only problem with that is that I have no food or money for food right now. Which means… I don’t know. Worst part is that I didn’t bring my book along today as I didn’t expect to be alone for lunch. So now, although I can go grab a coffee at the AL Van Houtte, I don’t have anything to read. What? Work on Comicopia 77? Before 76 is even mailed out? … orf. don’t have the energy. … I could go get myself another second-hand book cheaply… but that takes money. eek. this is a vicious cycle! 🙁
Considering I’m really not too accustomed to being at work on Easter Monday, the morning has zoomed by. 4 hours just like that. Wow. Still a lot more to go through before we can go home… and continue our packing 🙂
Yes, we visited the house again last night. sigh. It’s going to be a little bizarre, but we’re gonna be the only ones living on that street for a while. 🙂
oh well…