i’m drained energy-wise. i’m not tired, i’m more listless. matches the weird flux in weather temperature i guess…
Chantale and I had a really nice night last night. I prepared supper so when she got home, she was greeted to a the delicious aromas of a home-cooked meal, intermingled with the scented candles in the living room, kitchen, and bathroom. I kissed her hello while music played in the background and then led her to the voicemail system and made her hear the message from our agent at the bank: The CHMC approved our purchase, and the Bank approved our mortgage. The house will be ours!!! 🙂
After a scrumptious supper, we headed to the ReMax office in Ile Perrot to pick up some more papers and then, since we were in the area, we drove to the house and just admired it. We walked around, pictured what we’d do, and ended it off by standing by the road looking up at it, listening to the sounds of the night “life” around us. Peaceful. Warm. A beautiful moment. Just holding each other and “soaking it all up” 🙂
Eventually, we got back into the car and drove around the other roads to see our “neighbors” before heading back in the direction of home… and realizing how bizarre it is to have a newly-built house already feeling like home…
Also, I did stop in to see Melyssa this morning before going to work. She’s still there but they’re trying her off the oxygen mask for a bit to see what happens. I’m hoping she’ll be home tonight. At least she’s always in good spirits.