Boy was I glad when yesterday was over! I left class with the beginnings of a headache and by the time I got home it was full-blown. Headache, stomache-ache, massive fatigue… all I could think of was getting home and having a nice, HOT, bath.
So what happens when I get home? I run my bath, throw in some bubbles for extra relaxation (hey, I enjoy it every now and again! Why is it only women who are allowed to be pampered?). Once the tub was full, I step in. To COLD water!!! AAAAAIEEE!!!!
I sat in that tub feeling miserable. What a lousy afternoon it had turned out to be.
I got out, towelled off, grabbed my gym bag, and drove back to work to use the gym and work off my aggravations. A good, sweaty, hour later, and I’m in the shower with hot water coursing over me. Ahhh… 🙂
At least the night was very relaxing afterwards… Nachos, popcorn, and frosty-cold Coke 🙂
And now, it’s Friday! I get to pick up my munchkins early as class is letting out early! Yay!! I really miss them today and can’t wait to have them run into my arms as they do every time they see me 🙂 I’ll never get used to not having my kids live with me full-time, but I’m very greatful of the time I do get to spend with them…