Had a funny moment last night after VB class. I left the building with the teacher who asked if I was heading to the gym (as we had talked about working out and keeping in shape during one of our breaks when he came across my copy of Men’s Health Magazine). I told him that I couldn’t because I was off to another course. He asked what other course I was in and did a double-take when he heard me say “Theology” 🙂
I realize just how far off Theology is from Programming (in whatever language)and shrugged my shoulders simply saying “I like to have a broad range of subjects in my life”. Heck, I even had to leave class for 2 hours the day before in order to go to my LOMA class! So outside of my day to day work, on a regular basis my brain goes through: Computer Programming, Theology, and Life Insurance. And this doesn’t even include all the stuff I do for a hobby on my own time!
Adding comics, wine, cigars, writing, reading, and so much more to that “time list” sure keeps me busy. But, it does, after all, keep life interesting. 🙂