What’s the Time? Hey Mickey! – Bow Wow Wow

But seriously… where’s the time gone and going to?! I blink and it’s now Thursday? Afternoon?? Wow. On one hand it’s great that the work days are just flying by. On the other hand it’s not so great that my evenings are flying by, too! 🙂

I finally had a decent night’s sleep last night. For some reason my sleep cycle was all messed up the last couple of days. I guess the realization that Chantale and I are heading out of town tonight seeped through to my subconcious and helped me relax 🙂 Well, either that or the fact that Chantale held me last night and helped me fall asleep. Physical contact is a really nice thing 🙂

Outside of Wedding Plans, not much else on my mind! Plenty of work deadlines, plenty of personal deadlines, and a lot of daydreaming (when not working of course) about not working! 🙂 It seems like I have more things I want to do than there are months in the calendar year! 🙂

And right now I’m massively craving chocolate!!!! argh!!!

Ah well. One day at a time….

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