Hiya hiya!
Well, there’s going to be some changes at work which means I may no longer be able to access LJ during the day. This, of course, will reflect not just on my posting, but on my reading/ replyings. That bites somewhat as LJ does help me to get my mind off of stuff and allows me to go back to it in a fresher state of mind. (shrug). Nothing I can do about that, I guess. We’ll see what happens in the next couple of days.
Secondly… busy! busy busy busy!! I can’t believe how I came in to work and just got into trying to clear stuff off my desk. When I looked up, it was 1:30pm. I’m still rushing but HAD to take a quick break if even just to eat a fruit. phew. And it’ll stay this way for a long time to come, I believe. Especially as I have a short week this week. I’m taking Friday off so that Chantale and I can drive up to Lac. St. Jean and visit her grandparents. I love going there and it’ll be wonderful to get away.
Thirdly… have I mentioned I had an absolutely wonderful and amazing weekend? We did! The kids, Chantale, and I just spent a weekend of FUN. The kids RAN into her arms on Friday when we went to pick them up at school. In fact, they were berated a little for running in the hallways but we did tell the monitors that they hadn’t seen each other in a month 🙂 That night flew by and the kids just were so happy and excited to see Chantale. She brought James a small Kangaroo (he now calls Jackie Legs) and Melyssa a Koala beanie (she now calls Samantha). They were carried around EVERYWHERE!! 🙂 The weekend was spent with TONS of kisses from the kids for both Chantale and I (but I do believe she got the majority of them 🙂 ). Saturday night, during Family Movie Night, Melyssa fell asleep in Chantale’s arms. It was the most adorable sight 🙂 Sunday, we all went to church after not having been there in a while and we kept getting compliments on how well-behaved the kids were. It was really nice 🙂
As I said, the entire time spent with them was fun and filled with love and laughter. Chantale was even asked to speak with all the Beavers during our meeting on Saturday and she told them all about her trip 🙂 The only sad point of the weekend was having Melyssa call us on Sunday night crying that she wanted to be picked up from her mother’s. She apparently “packed her bags” and wanted to move in with us. Poor little thing was so sad but she didn’t really know or understand why. She kept crying on the phone that she hadn’t seen Chantale in so long and just missed us so much 🙂 We spoke about 20 minutes and calmed her down with promises that the time will pass quickly and we’ll see each other again VERY soon.
More stuff… Chantale and I went to the Wedding Show at the Gallant Country Inn on Saturday. Her parents came with us and we spent a few hours reviewing all they are offering us as well as confirming our meal, dessert, cake, etc. We had a mini-wine-tasting to choose our wine and that was fun, too. We confirmed who had booked rooms at the Inn and spoke with our Musicians and just ensured we were on the right track. It was a lot of fun and everyone’s excited. It’s gonna be a glorious wedding 🙂
And now, my break is over. I’ve gotta get back and sludge through my work load. Totally missed lunch and don’t think I’ll be able to take a coffee break, either! Oh boy! 🙂 But I can’t complain too much. After all, I agreed to the position so I have to accept the responsabilities that come with it, right? 🙂