Let The Good Times Roll….

I knew today was going to be a wild one. Any time I have a really great and relaxing morning, I just know it’s not going to last. Let me give you today as an example:

I woke up feeling rested. I washed my hair and shaved, all in the frame of mind that I didn’t have to rush because I knew what I was wearing so it would go easier. I picked up around the bathroom, the living room, the kitchen, and then even decided to wash the pile of dishes sitting on the counter! (Some of you might be thinking that this is not what you call relaxing, but to me it is – slow, peaceful, moments to reflect). I made my lunch, had a bowl of cereal as I watched the morning weather news, and then got dressed. Still feeling very relaxed and at ease, I sat down at the kitchen table and even etched for about 15 minutes! Brushed my teeth, got my jacket and bag, kissed Chantale good-bye (she was still in bed – at 8:20am I would be too if I didn’t have to work), and left. I hesitated on calling in to work to see if everything was going well. I decided not to just because there was no reason to stress myself out since I was feeling mellow.

Cool but nice, crisp, day. I get to the bus stop and watch the 8:25am bus leave. Rats. Bad omen? Nah, don’t think about that. I had a nice bus ride and then spent another relaxing 30 minutes on the metro as I read my copy of Men’s Health magazine. Another cool, crisp walk to work and I walk into the building feeling fine.

I don’t even get to my desk before my co-worker says, “Good Morning, Mike. You’re not going to be happy”. That was all he had to say for me to know what it was that had gone wrong. So, I laugh, take off my jacket and drop my bag and sit down to solve. What a mess. Things were going wild all over the place. Almost felt like the computer equivalent of fireworks with blasts in every direction. It took 3 hours but it’s all finally under control. All systems are back online and my missed meeting of 10am was re-sheduled for tomorrow morning at 9:30am. Now I can get back to getting the “ship” back on track and schedule.

So, now that I can breathe, I’m still in quite a good mood. I didn’t suffer any headaches yesterday and even got to see my commercial on Global in primetime. Cool 🙂 I didn’t believe that Global was one of the stations carrying the Standard Life commercial so it came as a very pleasant surprise 🙂

I’m looking forward to heading over to A.L. Van Houte at lunchtime and enjoying another relaxing hour of coffee and reading. I keep thinking how really expensive a daily coffee is. But when I think of how much enjoyment I get out of taking an hour to myself to just relax with a book (or a friend) and a cup of coffee… well… it suddenly becomes worth it. 🙂

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