Super Bowl 37 is over, and, as expected, The Tampa Bay Buccaneers took it in a massive display of heart and power. Tres cool 🙂
As for me and my day, it’s been a rather weird one. I couldn’t shake off my grogginess and ended up getting a headache that food, caffeine, chocolate, and even tylenol couldn’t get rid of. Non of the vacuuming I expected to do got done and yet somehow the day passed by so quickly I barely noticed it.
I did get to finally watch Carlito’s Way, though. I’ve had it in my collection for months but never got around to it. It was an all right movie but seeing Pacino in a full beard freaked me out a bit. I’ve often been compared to him (for one reason or another) but seeing him in that full beard and comparing that to what I look like in a full beard (which I haven’t had in many years) we could be brothers. 🙂
Well, back to work tomorrow. It’ll be a short but very busy/ hectic week. Oh yeah, and I even begin my Loma 290 course on Wednesday. Another 10 weeks of school on top of my current work load. Should be interesting…
LJ Meetup on Tuesday. Chantale comes home on Thursday, and I’m taking Friday off so we can catch up and spend time together 🙂
“Absence diminishes small loves and increases great ones, as the wind blows out the candle and blows up the bonfire.” — François de La Rouchefoucauld