Boy I’m groggy this morning. Guess I slept really badly last night. Fell asleep on the futon sometime around 12:30am and then eventually made my way to bed. At 9:00am the church bells woke me up (who knows how long they rang?) and then at 10:00am someone called thinking he was calling the store (there’s a clothing store about 2 blocks from where I live called Aragona Lingerie – no relation). That was 90 minutes ago and I’m still groggy.
Well, I’m gonna head downstairs for lunch as I promised my folks I would last night (mom was a little worried that I had been gone the entire day and they didn’t know where I was 🙂 ). Oh yeah, speaking of mom, they gave me some of my elementary school pictures last week. Oh man, I remember those well 🙂
Just for kicks, here’s my first school picture: Kindergarten. I think I look rather adorable 🙂