‘Twas the night…

T’was Agile – A Holiday Treat
V. Lee Henson

Twas the night before code drop and all through the land
Not a person was coding, not even one hand

The code was all tested and checked in with care
Even the documentation was completed and there

The PMO Director & VP of Dev were nestled all warm and snug in their beds
While visions of bonuses danced in their heads

Joe closed his laptop and Sue hit the sack
Knowing morning was near and they needed the nap

When from my pocket there arose such a clatter
I reached for my iPhone to see what was the matter

To the office I flew like a Senior VP
Tore open my briefcase and fired up the PC

When what in my unsettled eyes might appear
But an incomplete test case as I trembled in fear

I regained my senses and checked out the code
Reviewed the regression and distributed the load

It passed all the tests now, my mind was at ease
Knowing that many would certainly be pleased

That I put forth such effort on a cold chilly night
To re-sync our code and ensure all was right

Soon morning approached and I knew not to worry
As none of the testing was crammed in a hurry

It makes my heart filled with holiday cheer
To know Agile methods make everything clear

As the holidays are with us and our hearts fill with joy
Help us all to remember the framework we enjoy

On XP, on Scrum, On Kanban & Lean,
On DSDM, On AgileUP, On Crystal Extreme

To the ends of the project, no greater joy shall we call
Than celebrate, celebrate, celebrate all

As we conclude the current project and realign our sites
Happy Holidays to all and succeed with Agile Might!

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