Hiya hiya hiya! 🙂

Just drove back from Ottawa and boy am I tired! As boring as the ride through the 417 to Ottawa is, it’s a lot harsher coming BACK in the dark. Especially with light snow. Especially since there are NO lights on the road so you can’t actually SEE the road. Especially when you have to keep running your wipers to wash the windshield because it keeps getting dirty. As an example, I drove there at about 120 almost the entire way. Got there in about 90 minutes. Coming back, I was going between 80 and 100. Took 2 hours 🙂

I went to the Ottawa Aviation Museum to gaze upon planes of days gone by… Wow. Can’t really describe the feeling of touching vintage planes and those that have been through the various wars. Seeing the plane VC Barker got his Victoria Cross in… seeing the German Fokkers and Meserchmitts… seeing the Spitfires and Mustangs and Lancaster… seeing the last surviving piece of Canada’s Greatest Jet: The Avro Arrow… what a feeling. I partly felt as though I were in a morgue, or church. Silent and respectful. It almost felt wrong to actually speak. I took some photographs of some of the planes which really got to me. I was awe-struck and at times emotional to the point of holding back tears. I won’t try to explain it to anyone.

After walking around for 2 hours, I left to meet up with . He showed me his place and then we headed to Tim Horton’s for supper. I’d been craving one of their French Vanilla coffees ALL day. The only problem is that on the trip down, there are only Dunkin Donuts. No Timmies. And he has one at the CORNER of his street. Sheesh. 🙂 So we went there and a funny thing happened (naturally). I place my order and the woman starts filling it. Another girl comes over and takes a look and then leaves. They both come back at the same time with a large cup of French Vanilla – they had both gone to fill the order! LOL! 🙂 They also laughed about it and the girl left. So, I just told the lady, “No problem, I’ll take them both!”. She says, “Really? Ok!” and hands them to me! Ha! Bonus! 🙂 I had a coffee with my meal and then, after a trip through ‘s local comics shop, I had a coffee for my drive home 🙂

Now I’m just gonna relax for a bit. Trading Spaces is on so I’ll probably give it a view while lying on the futon 🙂 I’ll check back in later!!

“Love is like playing the piano. First you must learn to play by the rules, then you must forget the rules and play from your heart.”

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