Had the weirdest thing happen yesterday morning. My future mother-in-law calls me to ask if I’d listened to the news. Apparently in the story on the terror bombing in Bali, Chantale was mentioned. This was really strange and after a quick stop at the Montreal Gazette website for the Canada.com news, I found this piece in the article by Michael Casey for the Canadian Press entitled “Bali in shock over terror bombing; flowers left at blast site, memorial planned”
“Chantale Turgeon and her husband, Stephane Binette, of Montreal had just finished supper at a nearby restaurant when they heard two loud explosions.
“There was debris falling behind the restaurant,” Turgeon, who was on her honeymoon in Bali, [told] radio station CJMF in Quebec City.
“We left through a hole in the window. On the street everyone was screaming, everyone was crying. We saw a big fireball, like a nuclear explosion but it was pink.”
Is that freaky or what??
In other news, I’m feeling better. The coffee and relaxing hour helped 🙂 And my mom called earlier to thank me and Chantale for the flowers we had delivered for their Wedding Anniversary 🙂
Actually, speaking of Chantale, she’s on her way over here so I’m gonna go down and meet up with her :>