…I had the strangest experience earlier. James called me so I could watch YTV Hit List with him 🙂 So there we were, talking about Hit Videos and whatnot while both of us had the television on YTV. Strange. Cute, but strange 🙂 …
…Chantale called her folks. Sydney is beautiful and she’s got a full itinerary. Tomorrow is Australia Day there, but, due to the recent fire outbreaks, the fireworks were cancelled. Bummer for her, but, it gives US something else to look forward to doing in the future 🙂 …
…So the Zip drive is installed, configured, and tested. I ran through a backup of my Word Processing Documents. Next I’ll make a few backups of other important stuff (like my Pegaus Mail!!!) …
…My new HP Scanjet is installed, configured, tested, and working! 🙂 I scanned a couple of pictures to send to Chantale but they didn’t go through properly. So, I put them up on my web site without links and gave her the URL instead 🙂 Let’s see if I can load one in this journal…