…I was just re-reading through the Name thing and found it curious yet somewhat significant that Savage and Chantale are exactly alike 🙂
…Found out yesterday that LJ doesn’t allow you to go back and read your entries from the beginning with the “20 entries per page” setting. When I tried it, I got as far back as December 8th,2002. Then, to go earlier, it only worked on a day-by-day basis. That was quite disappointing, actually.
…I’d been thinking for a while how I liked the fact of keeping myself in my own Friends list, thereby being able to see all my entries and comments in addition to those of my Friends. I thought it was a really neat idea when I saw it on
…If everything was on time, Chantale is now in Sydney Australia until the 30th…
…My cell phone finally bought the farm last night. Truthfully, it still functions, I just got fed up with its non-ability to sustain a battery charge and constantly letting me down. If anyone wants an old Nokia cell phone with a battery and car charger, let me know and it’s yours.
…Next weekend is the Wedding Show at the Gallant Country Inn where Chantale and I will be holding our Wedding Reception. It’s always a great affair as we’ll get to see the tables laid out and taste all the various dishes 🙂 Sadly, my Best Man and his wife can’t make it out with us that day (Feb 1st). That was a minor disappointment.
…In the mood, and NOT in the mood of doing something tonight. Will probably just make a bag of popcorn and watch a movie. Or sleep. Just in that frame of mind, ya know?
…This turned into a lot more notes and writing than I expected.