Busy enough.

Just realized that I never wrote about the fact that Chantale, Kyle, Charlize and I headed out to Edmonton for a long weekend vacation/ trip to visit friends! I was waiting for a free moment and it all disappeared. I still have some great photos to share… but no time.

Melyssa’s been with us this week and it’s been nice having her. I know how strange it felt when she left after having stayed with us for 3 weeks. I’m almost feeling the same way. She goes back on Sunday because she has orientation at her new school (jr high!) on Monday. I know it’ll be weird going to bed on Sunday and not having her in the house…

On Tuesday morning, I’m taking a 730am flight to Chicago to attend Agile 2009! Things worked out (ie; I got a sponsor for the event, am flying on my dime, and the Co. is paying for 2 nights hotel stay) so I’ll get to immerse myself in all things Agile for 3 days before flying back home on Thursday night. Next week, we’re on vacation! Crazy perhaps, but we’re planning the ‘where’ now 🙂 We wanted to go back to Bas-Caraquet but the chalet we were renting is not available. There are others, but we’re looking at maybe PEI. Maybe Halifax? Even thought about heading back to Edmonton 😉 We’ll see.

Yesterday morning I found out a friend of the family and ex-colleague (although still current colleague of my mother-in-law) passed away the evening of the 19th from a massive heart attack. Early 50s is way too young to go. As I mentioned to a friend yesterday, I was working on his computer the day I met Chantale 🙂 Her mother was his assistant so while I was setting him up (that was the day prior to them taking their practice out of the main company building) Chantale came in to wait for her mother after having finished an exam. Smitten, I was. Extremely smitten, it seems. So much so that both he and her mother noticed. On both our parts, might I add!And here I thought I wasn’t being obvious. Perhaps I failed to see anything else since my eyeballs were glued on Chantale 🙂 At any rate, it’s a very warm feeling to know he told Chantale’s mom that I would make a good son-in-law 🙂 Even though we were almost 2 years away from dating at that point!!!

*shakes head sadly*

Ah, life…

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