All my bags are packed, we’re ready to go…. 🙂
Paris awaits!
Tonight, Chantale and I fly off to Paris for a romantic long-weekend getaway! Just the 2 of us! 🙂 The kids are watching the in-laws (yes, they need watching 😉 ) and we’ll be free to stroll through the streets of a city neither of us have been to while soaking in a very rich history. Something to definitely remember!
A lot of last-minute juggling had to happen to get this trip done but it’s all gone off smoothly which is wonderful. The kind of opportunity that comes by quickly and you have to grab at or lose. I don’t know when we would have had another chance like this.
So, after all the insanity of Chantale’s first year with Air Canada and all the work she’s done in that major project, we’ll finally be able to get away from it all and just unwind together. Yes, we did that a few months back when we got away to Banff, but this will be much more different. Much less rushed.
So, radio silence after today, back on Tuesday night. Behave yourselves and enjoy your weekends! 🙂