When was the last time?

I don’t remember. I don’t remember the last time I posted. Yes, of course it’s easy to check, but still…

I’ve been in a weird state for the last probably-two-weeks-although-feels-like-6. I have been living so much in my brain space that I barely remember my real-world interactions with others (small though they may have been).

Been reading quite a bit. Spent time going through the SEP finances in order to finish up with the taxes (and fully feel wonderful today as the refund came in). More time on closing up the new book (Von, I’ll need your help with the mashup in a couple of weeks, ok?) and talking reviews with the Omnibus. Working out the schedule for the next books has been a little weird as the priorities keep shifting. Comicopia deadline is this Wednesday and started wondering about how to celebrate the 20th Anniversary in a few short years.

And then, on Thursday, it was time to take Kyle back to the hospital. Wednesday overnight there was worry of an Asthma attack that he’d been battling during the day. On Thursday, I didn’t feel comfortable with how he was so off we went. We were well cared for (as usual) and the Pediatrician was really nice. 5 or 6 hours later, we were back. 2 hours after that? Returned to the ER. I think we spent another 4 hours there and went through the now-well-known process of masks and medications with a couple of extra doses thrown in (which weren’t judged necessary earlier in the day). Strangely enough, we were the only ones there (although that didn’t last the entire time and had 4 Code Whites called out during our time there). Kyle was in a reasonably good mood – he really does handle a lot very well. At least it’s always entertaining and we get to catch up on our Disney/ Pixar movie-watching… 😉 ) By the time we got back home, he was not sounding 100% any more but it was into bed for all of us. He slept really soundly and had no coughing fits. Friday morning I was so fried that I had to beg off work with a vacation day and stayed home with him. Again, the morning was not going so well when the Hospital Allergy Dept calls to follow-up on the ER Pediatrician’s request to see Kyle urgently. We got to book an appointment for May 7th (whereas normal appointments are held one-year in advance) and I then asked to speak with the Asthma ER ward regarding Kyle’s symptoms.

It took a little while for them to get back to me but we spoke of what had happened and how he wasn’t responding to the treatments that morning and what else could be done. She gave me a few suggestions and we confirmed that he wasn’t in crisis (yet) and the things to look out for. I did what she said and also cleared his nasal passages with saline and then held him (to calm him down) and we relaxed on the couch. 10 minutes later he was doing so much better that I was no longer worried. Sure enough, he was able to wait his full 4 hours between pumps and my blood pressure slowly returned to normal 🙂 We spent some time on the swing out back, just relaxing looking at the clouds and planes. We had a pleasant lunch and he took a nice nap.

Saturday morning was also a little tough but not like the other 2. By Sunday, he was pretty much 100% and the day was really nice – we spent it all outside.

Today, all seemed good but I must admit to dreading (a little) what I’ll find when we pick him up tonight. I dropped him off smiling, skin cleared up, no dark shadows under his eyes. I’m hoping he’s the same way when I see him next.

I sure look forward to those tests in May. I think we’ll all feel a huge burden lift once we find out just WHAT triggers these attacks… just in time for allergy season…

I also can’t believe how wound-up I’ve been over the whole thing. I’ve felt like a visitor in my own life and could not find the inspiration, motivation, or energy to get up out of bed today and prepare for a new week. One step at a time, heavy footfall after heavy footfall.

Okay, time to go back into my brain.

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