Good Good Good Good Vibrations…

Just came back from Parents Council Meeting. Ah, I remember the first and second time I went and how uncomfortable I felt. And then, by the third time I was enjoying it. After that, everyone felt “friendly” and I really felt a part of it all. These feelings even continued outside of Council and it was during all those good feelings that I introduced Chantale to members of the Council during the Kids’ school concert a few months back.

Well, it was in that same frame of mind that I went tonight. I got there early and thus spent some time talking with the Principal. The first words she said to me? “Your fiancee is GORGEOUS!” (grin) Yeah, I agreed 🙂 Then I told her how incredible an influence she’s been with the kids and how much time and energy she’s invested with them. She asked if the kids liked her and I responded that they absolutely adore her 🙂

After our chat, I walked around to see the new pictures and projects that were up around school. I snuck a love note in Melyssa’s shoe and then went hunting for James’. I couldn’t find his so I stuck his note in Melyssa’s other shoe with a “To James” indicator 🙂

The meeting went well and afterwards I ended up chatting with one lady over the recent Standard Life commercial. She told me she saw it and her son freaked out when she told him who I was (“James’ dad is on TV! Wow!”). The Principal and a few other members came into the conversation at this point and we chatted a bit more before I left 🙂 Good feelings 🙂

The only non-good feelings are that the SWL School Board is voting tomorrow on the issue of re-zoning. Our Parent Delegate informed us that it will be a major impact on the kids. Woah. Maybe if I can make it, I’ll head out to the actual School Board general meeting tomorrow instead of waiting for Thursday morning to read about it on their web site…

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