Meet my Folks? Meet my foot in your ass! Man, I thought this show was pretty stupid when it first came on the air last summer. But with their new “revamp” now, it makes the last season look intelligent! What a bunch of total losers! Every one of them! And tonight’s contestant? What an asshole. Right from the get-go. “Yeah, I like blondes with thin waists and big booties… heh heh heh” Yeah, ok, and which one are you? Beavis or Butthead? And of course, then you get mom going, “Dan needs someone with substance. The last few girls he’s brought home have all been pretty, but with nothing else. They couldn’t hold a conversation”.
Refer to my previous question.
And the girls on the show? Skanks, every last one. Sheesh. But then again, what else do you expect? If they were worthy of anything (and they were real), they wouldn’t BE on tv looking for a date, right? Joe Millionaire, Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire, Elimi-Date, Meet my Folks, Bachelor, Bachelorette, Temptation Island… for God’s sake, people! Love and Relationships are not fucken game shows!!
If the world is going to hell in a hand-basket, it’s not so much because of all the wars (or impendings thereof), but because of how we treat each other. Pawns, Stepping Stones, Commodities to be bought and sold. So much for “love thy neighbor”
Stop the world, I want to get off.