I was having lunch with an old friend yesterday and the obvious topic of the Holidays came up. After discussing our plans, he summed it up by simply stating, “I just have to bear down and trudge through it” which made me laugh.
Isn’t that what we all have to do to a degree or other?
I can’t remember the last time we had a stress-free holiday season what with all the pressures and demands put upon it by work and family. Actually, maybe the last time would have been New Year’s eve of 2004 when Chantale and I spent it alone at home. Chantale was pregnant with Kyle and we decided that it being our last year alone together, we would simply take it easy. And, we did! We watched a movie, celebrated, played some Animal Crossing, watched the countdown, blogged, and of course celebrated with the Animal Crossing crew at the appropriate time 😉
I’m sure there were still pressures around that time with Christmas, etc, but the fact that the memories of that ONE night are so strong today block everything else out 🙂 Makes me wonder when the next such time/moment will be.
This year, we were initially supposed to go up to Lac St. Jean for a week in order to relax and celebrate Xmas. Instead, due to family pressures/ stress, we’re only leaving (probably) the 23rd and coming back (probably/hopefully) the 26th. The plan after that would be to pick up James and Melyssa on the 28th as we swing over to visit my parents for lunch. The 29th I’m back at work and am also on call for the 31st which means I need to stay close to a computer should a situation arise that requires my intervention.
Again, initially, we were supposed to do something at our place on the 31st but now the question is up in the air. We will probably go to my sister’s for supper as we actually haven’t visited her new house yet (and she moved in a while ago) and then head home. That way, we can actually take the 1st to ourselves as I’m back at work on the 2nd.
We do have supper with some old friends scheduled for Jan 2nd which we’re looking forward to (it’s been a long time since the kids have seen their Godfather after all 🙂 ).
All in all, though, I think it would be really great if we could squeeze a vacation somewhere in January. But, with all the bills that are due, and with the INCREASE in cost of living for 2009, it’s going to make it that much more difficult to stretch our pennies (forget stretching our dollars).
Ah well. At least life is still good, happy, and filled with things to look forward to 🙂 And now that I’ve walked away from an organization I’ve been with for the last 5 years (and very unhappy with for the last 3 years), I feel that the last of the negatives have been exorcised from my life. To celebrate, The Mysterious Minute-Men: Ready for the Future will be released on-line everywhere in 2009! More options to pick up a copy 🙂 Details will be forthcoming once I’m ready (still waiting on some pieces of art and to finish off the reviewing of some chapters).
I do believe I should be back online before Xmas, but, just in case I don’t, I’d like to wish everybody reading this a Happy, Joyous, and Festive Holiday Season!! 🙂 ‘Tis the Season, so be Jolly! 🙂