
Ving Rhames is slated to play Kojak. Ving. To me, he’ll always be Marsellus Wallace of Pulp Fiction ๐Ÿ™‚ Even though he’ll be playing Kingpin in the new DareDevil movie (that’s gonna rock!!!)

5th Harry Potter book has a release date. June 21st. Start lining up now!

Gary Oldman is in negociations for playing Sirius Black in the 3rd Potter movie. Cool. Not who I would have expected, but he’s quite a versatile actor so I can see it happening.

The posters weren’t created for the IT Quarterly. Oh well. At least the commercial is still in good rotation. Also, I won a $10 gift certificate for the SAQ because my team came in 1st for one of 3 team competitions at the kickoff. Cool.

CSI was pretty damned good tonight. Heck, it usually is but it was a kicker this time. Got me with the ending! Left hook! Didn’t see it coming!

Hey, , I’m thinking of possibly driving to ottawa the 25th. I’m in the mood for taking in a museum. Would you be available for a coffee or something if I come in? Maybe a visit to the Candy Store? ๐Ÿ™‚ To be confirmed, of course.

I didn’t get a chance to talk to Chantale tonight. She had to get on her bus and I wasn’t home yet. So, she’s off now. Her itinerary for the next couple of days is Queenstown to Fox Glacier. – You may wish to take the optional Fox Glacier tour. Professional guides will be on hand to show you the beauty of this natural wonder. Afterwards, it’s Fox Glacier back to Christchurch. -Weโ€™ll cross the Southern Alps via majestic Arthurโ€™s Pass, stopping to take a look at the Jade greenstone carving at Hokitika. . So, basically, she’ll be out of touch for a few days, but I’ll be out of town as well. If I’m lucky I’ll talk to her again early next week. Otherwise, it’ll be mid-next week. Major bummer.

I’m all packed for the camping trip. Feels like a heavy load! 3 Sleeping Bags and 3 sports bags full of clothes. I’m just hoping it’s not going to be SO cold that we won’t be able to go outdoors. Especially with Melyssa’s asthma. Regardless, though, it’ll be a blast. If it’s anything close to how the Summer Camp went, there’ll be PLENTY of coffee, BARELY any sleep, and plenty of leftovers ๐Ÿ™‚

Why is it that I feel like I need a vacation? I’m seriously gonna look at my schedule and see if I can give myself another half-day pampering at the Ovarium again.

Ok, enough. I should get to sleep. Or something. Be well. Be good. Be excellent to each other. And… party on, dudes! ๐Ÿ™‚

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