Just cause it’s been a while… I wanted to note some things…
– While Kyle and Charlize spent the day with their grandparents on Saturday (strawberry picking), Chantale and I headed for a half-day spa treatment (Floating Bath & Massage) at the Ovarium. Afterwards, we met up with a friend and headed over to another friend’s store, Ange Neige
– Sunday, we went for brunch (I believe the place was called La Bavaria) to celebrate Chantale’s mother’s birthday. Chantale’s sister also drove down from Ottawa (well, her husband drove, actually ;)) for the brunch and it was nice to see them – has it been months already? I haven’t had that much “meat” for breakfast OR lunch in ever! LOL! 🙂 But it was nice, cozy, and intimate (two other families showed up only as we were leaving). We went back to my in-laws for cake (Dairy Queen Ice Cream Cake (mmm!)) and then settled in to watch the Euro Cup final. *yawn* Never got the “oomph” I was expecting from the game. It’s like the players themselves were too tired of bored to actually “play”!
– Yesterday was a very nice, family, Canada Day. Chantale got up early to drive our friend to the airport and then after she got back (and we all had breakfast, got ready), we hit the road for a very enjoyable 90 minute bike ride. It was the first time we got to bike together this year! So, Chantale on the bike I got her for her birthday this year, with Kyle on the child seat I installed last weekend, and me with the bike Chantale got me for my birthday last year, with Charlize now strapped behind me in the child seat. It was really great to stretch our legs and was also somewhat funny to have the kids fall asleep during the ride!! 🙂
After we got back, we fired up the BBQ and had a very enjoyable lunch on our new patio set and then everyone took their afternoon nap. Well, everyone except for me. By the time I was done with the stuff I needed to do, it was 2pm and I just knew that Charlize would be waking soon. Yup. 20 minutes later she was up. Kyle got up at 3pm and Chantale at 4pm 🙂 By 5pm we were getting supper going and afterwards… another 90 minute bike ride! We headed by the riverside this time and enjoyed the leisurely pace of riding side-by-side (not that much car traffic) and watching the boats and ducks.
When we got back home, Charlize was put to bed and Kyle went down shortly afterwards. Then, Chantale and I relaxed, got stuff ready for today (to make it easier to get going in the morning!) and enjoyed an evening beer toasting Canada and a really nice Family day 🙂 We watched a couple of episodes of SLIDERS and then hit the sack.
This morning… I woke up at 4am FOR NO REASON and couldn’t fall back to sleep. Bah. I got in to work at 7am feeling like a zombie and immediately dived into a morning cup of java. Thinking it was Thursday and realizing it’s only Wednesday does indeed mess with your head. But, at least this coming Saturday we’re getting Air Conditioning installed in the house! 5 years later and it’s finally happening! No more fears of dying from the heavy heat/humidity combo! And just before the killer temps arrive! It’ll be hooked into our central forced-air furnace which means the whole house will be cooled and not just one room! Sweeet! 🙂
In other bits & bites… I’ve started going through the Comicopia Archives in order to compile a “readable” history of the Apa. (Heck, we’re celebrating our 18th year next month!) It’s a lot of fun and I’m also taking the time to go through which covers are missing from the website (like the color cover of Issue 77 featuring The Creeper and Spider-Man) in order to get them up there. Of course, I’ve also realized how difficult it is to actually find a specific cover and/ or artist so I’m working on revamping the presentation of covers (Probably having the covers listed in different formats: by character, by number, by artist).
(By the way,