New Schedule Begins Today!

Or rather, began today! 🙂 Yup. With Chantale starting at Air Canada today, it was time for the household to undergo some changes! Thus, as of today, I’m the one getting up at 5am to ensure I catch the 6am train and be at work by 7am. Chantale will be the one getting up around 630am with Kyle and Charlize to have breakfast and get them ready and off to daycare so she can drive off to work. I’ll be catching the 345pm train home so that I can pick up the kids before daycare closes and then head home to get supper going. Chantale should hopefully be finishing by 5pm and joining us for 6pm. As stated earlier, we know she’ll have to do some overtime during this contract, and we’re preparing for it. What I’m stating now is more our “planned” schedule 🙂

The downside of this schedule is that brutal 5am wake up. It comes around MUCH sooner than you think – especially rough when the kids aren’t having a good night. I’ve gotta get my ass to bed and asleep by 10am if I have any hopes of functioning! 🙂 This, of course, involves getting EVERYTHING ready the night before so that come 5am, I can move on auto-pilot to get dressed, have breakfast, and get ready to leave. That way when I start the car at 535am, I’m conscious enough to actually drive to the train station! 🙂

I’m hoping the adjustment period won’t take too long because as awake and productive as I was 5 hours ago, my legs are already feeling like jelly right now 😉

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