a smile on my face, watching my new system run through a virus update download.
Leaning back, I’m enjoying the many varied and tasty benefits of “home-made”. On one plate, homemade spicy italian sausage. On another plate, homemade “molenzana” (a kind of fried eggplant). In my glass, homemade red wine. If I had some homemade bread, I’d be flying. But, the bread I have is quite good so no complaints. 🙂
See, I’ve begun to realize another tricky part of my brain. The reasonings behind my regular headaches. I thought I had conquered my stress, but it seems my night-cycle has other ideas. I believe, I have been clenching my teeth at night. This is not as bad as grinding, but it definitely leaves a headache in the mornings.
So, I figured I’d turn to my usual method of de-stressing myself (sex not-withstanding): Vino! 🙂 Yes, old Bacchus and I are sharing some memories and some vintages. Homemade is always the strongest as it is brewed with love and consideration 🙂 If anything should unstress me at this point it’s some fermented moscato grapes 🙂
I have some further thoughts to share, but my system has to be restarted now so my virus protection can be fully installed. More later! 🙂