For Dayton – Raising the Next Generation… (ooo…pun!)

Okay, putting things in a little bit of context.

A few months ago, I purchased the Star Trek anthology: “The Sky’s The Limit” mainly because Dayton Ward had a story in it. It’s how I support my friends. Now, when the book came in, Chantale immediately took it away from me stating that I would get it back when she was finished with it. So, I see the book fairly regularly but can’t read it yet. Maybe twice a week or so when we actually make time to read, Chantale will continue with the book and I’ll go through some comics (I’m about 3 months behind right now).

For about 2 weeks now (since the time we put together our new bedroom furniture), every morning when Kyle comes running into our room, he’ll grab the book, jump on the bed, and start “reading” it. There is a “comic” story at the end of the book so that’s usually what he’ll look at. He’ll point to the pictures and exclaim (in shock): “Gasp! That man push! Not nice! Daddy, come see!” 🙂

Seriously. It’s mondo cute. How cute?
THAT cute. 🙂

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