Post-Op Day 8 (1/2 Day Report)

Since I’m not going to be home tonight, I figured I’d put up a quick post this afternoon.

I went to visit Charlize at lunchtime and she was happily being entertained by her Grandparents. Grandpa even got a Happy Birthday smile 🙂

It’s very reassuring to post that she’s sucking on her pacifier. That’s such good news, even to the level of her having slept all night! Her eyes still cross a little when she gets tired, but she’s otherwise quite good. We can see the hints of our daughter in her eyes again!

I think we’ve mentioned before the drawbacks of being in the Ped.Ward versus ICU… but it just seems so much worse. You’re literally left to fend for yourself with the feeling that the nurses are there more to simply feed you your meds (either religiously and to the point, or haphazardly). Any deviation from that and they scowl. And don’t touch or look at their equipment, even IF your baby is hooked up to them and is being monitored by them.

Unfortunately, I don’t take that kind of attitude very well. I’m quite happy to be the sole caregiver for my child and if that’s the case, then let me go home where I can take care of her in comfort. Anyhow, we’ll see how my overnight stay will be. I’m just not as friendly with folks acting like jackasses, especially when they’re charged with ensuring my child’s comfort.

So, anyhow, there you go. She seemed to be good at lunchtime and I’m hoping/ expecting more improvements this weekend. Tomorrow, I’ll be picking up James and Melyssa as well as my parents so they can come for a quick visit, too.

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