Making It.

Lots of stuff in my noggin’ tonight. Been one of those weekends I guess (and yes, I know it’s only Saturday! 🙂 )

Last night’s supper with was a little surreal. We’ve been in Picasso’s when it was full, when it was empty, even during massive and dangerous snow storms. But last night’s emptiness seemed to be deeper than anything I remember and brought with it a strange “calm-before-the-storm” feeling with it. Perhaps it was the discussion as we spoke about friends gone by, people we knew from The Savage Land, from Comicopia, and just in general. Where we were way back when, and where we are today.

I’ve been slowly dismantling The Savage Land as well. Strangely enough, I couldn’t connect it with my laptop in order to swiftly copy it over to a place I can archive it to Zip or diskettes, so I actually am downloading the BBS using Pc Anywhere and my phone lines. At 14.4k baud. Yes, it’s long, but it gives it a sense of completedness. Basically, Savage Land BBS has stopped taking calls from yesterday afternoon. By tomorrow night, the computer itself will fall silent for the first time in almost 12 years. That’s somewhat scary. What is ironic is that this is happening at the same time as I’m finishing up reading The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring. Ironic because of the long history of TSL as well as my own on-line BBSing and what worlds like LOTR and D&D meant to me back then. Especially during the early years of FayryLand. If there had to be something to properly mark the true end of an era, trust me, this is it.

Chantale called me again this morning, 2am our time. I appreciate every moment we can connect, especially as her tour officially begins tomorrow and thus for the next two weeks she’ll be busy properly exploring New Zealand. This means that contact will probably stretch out from now. Sure, I’ve got enough to keep me busy, especially with Beavers Winter Camping coming up next weekend, but I’ve been feeling her absence a lot more lately. Really started last night and feeling it tonight again. Not so much because I went to the Wedding Show today, but because I’m home alone and it actually feels like I’m alone now. Definitely gonna be burning a lot of candles tonight.

Ok, I know this entry is getting long (which of course means lack of comments 🙂 ), but I do have another important piece of information to share with everyone. I met up with my buddy today who informed me that we may be getting dual funding for a script I wrote a few years back! He’s now in a position to apply for this funding which means that the Government may give us some funding, and ACTRA might give us some, too. End result? “Bus Stop” (working title), scripted by me about 2-3 years ago (probably longer) to be a short comedy skit using a wide-range of emotions for the main actor while retaining a comedic flavor, might actually end up being made! Of course, as with all things dealing with the Entertainment Industry, schedules are subject to change. (When you consider the script was initially written to be filmed within a month’s time of submission, and years have now gone by, well, that gives you an idea 🙂 )

And there you have it. Later Gator!

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