Well, I finally did it. I’ve gotten myself a paid account to LiveJournal. It has been a great place and I’ve appreciated it since I first signed on. And now, while Chantale’s traveling New Zealand, it has kept me sane. As my mother-in-law has stated to me, it’s like an electronic psychiatrist 🙂
Outside of that other bit of news:
I spoke with Chantale again last night. When I got back from my first new Theology Class (Epistles & Revelations — it was strange not having Chantale sitting next to me!) I checked my mail and found some from Chantale. She didn’t seem to be in the best of moods and so… I went online to find the phone number of the Hostel she’s staying at and called them to leave her a message 🙂 I tried reading a bit but was so tired I ended up falling asleep on the futon, the telephone nearby. I figured that if I didn’t hear from her by 11:30pm our time, I would call again.
She called at 11pm and we talked for 40 minutes. She couldn’t believe I had called and I told her it was worth ANY price to hear her voice. Yes, we were mushy but so what? 🙂 It felt like too long since we last talked and we quickly caught up on a bunch of stuff. I told her all the things going on in my brain (which were not always posted on LJ or even sent out in email) and we shared some laughs, too. It was really nice re-connecting and I still can’t believe it’s been over 10 days already. Still another 20 more to go.
Heck, I had gone online last night and scoured all the travel sites I could to see if there were any flights I could take to go meet up with her. Sure enough, there was an Air Canada flight leaving on Jan 24th with a return date on Jan 31st. I would be able to swing that one time-wise…. but… no way could I scrounge up over $3000 … *sigh*
And so, that’s that. I slept rather well and woke up early enough to get in to work earlier than I’ve been getting in all week. I got to talk with my mother-in-law at 7am this morning, too, and told her that Chantale would be calling her tonight.
Work has been busy, but not as bad as yesterday. I hope things NEVER again get as bad as yesterday. Lunchtime is almost here and then I’ve got my Team Meeting. It won’t be too long after that when I can go home! 🙂 I’ve gotta head to Wal-Mart and buy some longjohns for the kids (and probably myself!). Since we’re all going camping next weekend, we were advised to get some in order to stay warm 🙂
By the way, say “Hello” to Growf 🙂