Ok, I admit I was going to stay quiet today. As much as I slept wonderfully last night, sleeping through the night without once waking up, and waking up refreshed, I had somewhat of a blah day. Yes, it was busy. As busy as the others so far. But something just kept nagging at the back of my mind. I needed a break and felt I just couldn’t get one. From the annoying loudmouth in the metro this morning, to the loud discussions at the coffee shop during lunch, I couldn’t find any down time. I felt blah.
Heck, after work I even walked over to the Eaton Centre to catch My Big Fat Greek Wedding thinking it might help cheer me up. Nope. Made it worse. Sure, there were a couple of giggles in the movie, but there were a lot more slapping myself in the head moments. Sorry to everyone who enjoyed it, for me, it was a Big Fat Waste of Money.
BUT. When I got home, I got to talk to James for about 10 minutes before he got to bed. I heard his voicemail message (where he whispered that he loved me and missed me) and immediately called him where we laughingly chatted for a bit. I couldn’t speak with Melyssa as she was already asleep but it was really nice hearing his voice. And then, I go online to check my mail… and I have a few messages from Chantale waiting for me.
That brought my spirits up immensely 🙂 Who needs booze or drugs to get high? All I need is to hear from my love 🙂
So, once back in a wonderful mood, I turned off all the lights in the apartment again, lit some candles, and settled in with The Three Musketeers on DVD. Picked it up this past weekend for under $12 — well worth its price! DVD Clarity and WideScreen format. Aaahhh! 🙂 BTW, you can consider me a pig. I’ve officially polished off more than half that apple pie my mother-in-law made me 🙂 Not in one sitting! 🙂
Well, tomorrow at lunch I’m meeting up with