Just came back from watching the latest Bond flick with my father-in-law. What a movie! It has to be the absolute best Bond movie to date! The teaser totally shocked me! It was unlike any other Bond made. Also, the fact that the “villains” were from North Korea made the entire storyline a little scary.
We both really enjoyed it immensely until the end. Once they started overly-exaggerating what an airplane can do (and how long it can continue to fly when it’s completely in flames), my father-in-law started scoffing. Sure, he can suspend his disbelief along with the rest of us, but when it comes to his line of work, well, there are limits 🙂
The drive home was somewhat terrible. In fact, driving conditions on the Met were some of the worst I had to go through. I must have used up at least a litre of windshield fluid. I was glad to get home, let me tell you! The hairs on the back of my neck were raised almost the entire way! Sheesh!
So now I’ve got some time to get cozy and wait for Chantale to call me 🙂 She was flying into ChristChurch today and will be calling once she’s settled in.