Birthday Antics

*happy sigh*

I have had a really wonderful birthday 🙂

After my post of this morning, Chantale and I drove Kyle to his gaurdian’s and then headed out to the Ovarium. I love that place. We’ve been going there for about 8 years and never tire of it. Lying in a giant egg filled with tons of salt so that you can’t actually sink… floating in your own mind, gentle music filling your cocoon… just letting yourself go… letting everything else trying to grab a hold of your time and attention… it’s just heavenly 🙂 The fact that it started with a surprise birthday card waiting for me on my bathrobe was a romantic touch. My wife is super special that way 🙂

After that, relaxing while waiting for a most-needed massage… tranquil. wonderful. Like I told the masseuse, we’ve been needing this for a while and an hour later I can happily say that that huge knot in my shoulder blades and the incredible cramps in my calves are all gone. Happy, sleepy, and very relaxed, I drank a hot almond tea with Chantale as we continued our relaxation in one of their general rooms. Of course, before we knew it, 12:30pm rolled around and we hadn’t figured out what to do about getting food before our 1:15pm showing of Spider-man 3.

Needless to say, we ate at the theatre. Overpriced poutine from NYFries, but what can you do? When hunger strikes and you don’t want to sneak food in… 🙂 Shall I talk about the movie? Everyone will obviously have their own opinions (and lord knows I had enough jokes running through my head at some of the more obvious plot holes and plot failures). Still, it was an enjoyable 3 hours (and I really did restrain myself at the “Austin Powers Spider-Moves” scene 🙂 )

Incredible though it seemed, with only 2 activities most of the day was eaten up! Although there were still a list of places we wanted to go, there was only one that was ranked high enough to do today. And that was to head over to the local bike shop in Ile Perrot where Chantale once again spoiled me rotten by buying me a hybrid bike complete with helmet and childseat so that Kyle can join me on my bike treks! 🙂 This is the first new bike I ever got since my dad bought me my first Motobecan racing bike back when I was 12! Almost 30 years between new bikes! 🙂

Again, Chantale went all the way in trying to make my day a perfect one. Even though she knows and understands how, for me, every day with her is perfect. I have never had to “wish” on any candles since she came into my life because there’s nothing that compares to the gift I got of “her” 🙂

I love you so very much, sweetie. Thank you for this really beautiful day! 🙂

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