I can’t believe it’s Friday already. I’ve got TONS on my mind, but literally no time to let it all flood out through my fingertips and onto your screens. I had about 7 posts worth of material all thought up and ready to go… but no way to get it here.
This is March Break. It’s actually quite the great word because not only are the kids on a “break” from school, but I’m on a break from work, too. And considering how things have been at work lately, a little break does a world of good.
Okay, so this will be the quick update post. Firstly, James got out of the hospital Saturday night. I picked him and Melyssa up at 8pm and thus began the first evening of our 9 days together in preparation of taking care of him. He’s on crutches for about 6 weeks and I’ve been taking him to the CLSC daily to get his dressing changed. The hole/ bump in his leg is slowly healing and the swelling has gone down. The pain is not as bad today as it’s been from the beginning and switching him over to Advil from Tylenol on Wednesday has made a good difference. He basically takes 2 pills at around lunchtime and 2 at bedtime. On top of his anti-biotics every 12 hours, of course.
He’s in good spirits and resting well. Heck, I’ve even given him comics to read 😉 Especially after finishing off The Eldest in a matter of days.
Melyssa’s doing good. She’s been quite the helpful little elf as she’s given me a hand with a lot of stuff around the house – not the least of which is helping James, too. Yesterday, she even helped me in the basement for a bit. She’s got a new bed in her room (the bed her Aunt Sylvie in Ottawa had growing up) and she’s thrilled with it 🙂 Her old bed, which was James’ first bed, will be going to my youngest niece Olivia in exchange for her crib so my new daughter will have a place to sleep in later this year 🙂 Wow! What a trail of bed-swapping! 🙂
Kyle… what more can I tell you about Kyle? He’s such a joy and is SO enjoying his week with his older siblings. Every morning, when he sees Melyssa, he cries out for her and for his blocks which he has to immediately play with upon devouring his breakfast 🙂 He had been going to his guardian this week while I continued working the basement. I picked him up early, though, usually after James’ appointment. Today, we all took a “day off” in the sense that he stayed home and my parents came over for lunch. He was thrilled to see his “Nona! Nono!” when they got here which of course makes them very happy 🙂 Like a big little boy, he ate an entire cannelloni for lunch along with half a molanzana, half a muffin, and some applesauce 🙂 He’s sleeping now (having been up since 6am!) but had a great morning. He even picked up another new word today – “Hercules!” – from the bowl he uses for his breakfast cereal 🙂 I think I have the Disney movie somewhere. He’ll probably get a kick out of it whenever I get around to introducing him to it 🙂
Chantale has, unfortunately, been working all week. We can’t complain too much seeing as it Is her last month (although they’ve told her on a number of occasions that they would have hired her full time if she wasn’t leaving on maternity). She’s been having a really tough/ busy week to the point that yesterday, I saw/ spoke with her for the first time after the morning good-bye of 7am at 5pm! It’ll be nice to have her home for the weekend 🙂
I have more to say, but am taking a break right now. I have not taken a break all week so I want to savor the next hour and just unwind. I’ll post more later.