Sick Kids…

Funny. When it’s not one, it’s the other. Part of the joys and trials and tribulations of being a Dad 🙂

Church was going well this morning… until James started feeling
sick. After 2 trips to the bathroom, he came back crying. I picked him up and brought him there and within 5 minutes he was throwing up all over the bathroom floor. I cleaned up, disinfected and everything, and got the kids ready to leave. Before we did, he threw up again. When we got back home, as soon as he stepped out of the car, once again on the driveway. Oh boy…

He would pick his last day with me to get the Stomache Flu, eh? 🙂 I made him lie down for a while and he’s doing better now. We’re in the living room floor putting together his dragon legos. Afterwards, we’ll build his new model car (which my in-laws got him for Xmas). So I guess we’ll end up having a lazy sunday as well 🙂

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