I totally forgot to mention something this morning. Last night after logging off, I went to bed and tried to read a comic before settling in for the night. By 2am, Melyssa walks into the bedroom crying and holding onto her right arm; a pool of blood on it. I got up and quickly took her into the bathroom to wash it off. She had a scab on that arm from her eczema and had scraped it off in her sleep. I reassured her that it was ok and not to worry. I washed it off, put some antibiotic cream on it and bandaged it up. Gave her Ventolin as well since she had been due and then brought her back to bed. She quickly fell back asleep 🙂
I decide to go to sleep and 2 hours later, the phone rings. 4am our time was 10pm New Zealand time and I got to talk with Chantale for about 5 minutes (I recently discovered how expensive LD calls from there are 🙂 ). It was wonderful to hear her voice again and going through a quick catch-up 🙂
Back to sleep and at 7am, the kids were up. Boy it’s no wonder I was so tired this morning at Beavers! 🙂