I just went out to move the car since my folks were going out. It was the first time I went out since I got back from Beavers this morning and, I must admit, it was nice outside. Nice soft, fluffy snow on the ground covering everything. What little houses there were which still had christmas lights helped give everything a “nostalgic” xmas scenery.
Of course, considering it’s like 3 weeks too late, it’s somewhat depressing instead. Bah.
The kids and I enjoy the occassional “Lazy Sunday Afternoons”. But, since we’ll be busy tomorrow, we decided to make today Lazy Day. We lounged around the house and I believe I even may have passed out for a short nap sometime this afternoon. Considering how grumpy I was this morning, I think I needed it.
Today being the 1st Lazy Day without Chantale made for a strange afternoon. I went through periods of boredom to loneliness (kids notwithstanding). I got to arguing with myself to get outside and go do the shopping I’ve been wanting to do. It was strange and bizarre to say the least.
Supper just ended and the kids are changing into their pjs. Yes, it’s a little early, but we’re settling down for our regular movie night. I initially wanted to watch Mary Poppins but considering that movie always makes me bawl, I think I’ll opt out for Spy Kids instead 🙂