I’m sitting at my desk in my hotel suite, a wonderful Vanilla Latte warming my insides, a cool breeze blowing in from the open balcony door, and all I can think of is… “I need a nap!” 🙂
Yes, it’s a little after 230pm my time (that’s 530pm back home) but my legs are throbbing from the 2.5hours of sprint/walk I gave it this morning as I walked around Emeryville 🙂 On top of that, my sleeping habits aren’t quite normal so that keeps me off-balance. All this week I would find myself nodding off at 630pm and barely able to stay awake past 10pm! Sheesh! You’d think I’d be used to the time zones by now 🙂
Work’s been quite busy. With “regular” 9 hour days, it still feels like there’s so much to do that when weekends come around (like today!) all I want to do is stay in bed and read or watch the varied movies/ tv shows I’ve brought along. Yes, there’s plenty of places I could be exploring (san francisco, san jose, sonoma, oakland, to name but a few) but I’ll be honest… without my Best Friend to share time with me, there’s really nothing I want to see!
Some folks may find that ridiculous, but when you’ve lived the kind of life I have, it’s easy to keep things in perspective and in priority. (Ha! And as normally happens when I think of my beloved, she appears! Skype call just came in so I got to chat with everyone for a few minutes 🙂 )
Speaking of my beloved and how life works… she was initially supposed to fly down here to California this weekend to spend it with me. Unfortunately, with a crazy schedule back home and the impending mess that is the union negotiations which could impact her daily job, she had to cancel it. And you know that part about how things happen for a reason? Well, here is more immediate proof. Had she been on the flight she was scheduled to be on, she would have been involved in this: http://www.ctv.ca/CTVNews/Canada/20110610/plane-windshield-crack-110610/
So, I’m sad I couldn’t have seen her this weekend, but I’m so much more relieved and happy that she’s at home, safe and sound!!!
It’s crazy, but on a daily basis I feel like I have tons to say, but then when I can finally squeeze some time in at the computer for myself… I go blank. le sigh. I do have something private important to say so I should be back later to do just that.