Okay, not really 🙂 I`m just in one of those weird moods that comes from being offline for so long that everything becomes a little silly.
I started my new job this week and it`s been quite intense trying to learn a new culture and integrate myself while ALSO getting into my first mandate/ client and trying to absorb all I can about them and how I can help them!
So… all this to say that LJ has definitely fallen by the wayside for a bit. Perfectly normal until things get settled down again 🙂 In the meantime, though, I can tell you I do NOT miss waking up at 4am to get to work! Lol! My quality of life in that regards has definitely gotten much, much better.
My leisure reading has also been pushed for a bit (after getting seriously into my new Kobo eReader and loading it up with tons of books 🙂 ). Last week was my vacation week and outside of meeting with my clients one day, I spent the rest of it finishing off the majority of the renovations in the basement. Not at 100% yet, but it won’t be long now. The paint is up, the baseboards are up, etc etc. Touch-ups are mainly all that’s left. Then I can move onto my other renovation projects 🙂
The biggest hit, unfortunately, has been with my writing. The Anti-Bodies re-view/edit had to be postponed and with Comicopia’s deadline right around the corner I’ve gotta get into gear on that. Not to mention that ‘Wasted Youth’ and “Time After Time” have had absolutely no time put on them in months!
Such is the life of the Multi-Juggler 🙂
And on that note, I’ve gotta get supper started 🙂