It’s been a while since I put up links of some of the webcomics I’ve been enjoying. Most of these are actually new for me (marked with an asterix) and all have had me going back to the very beginning and reading them from the start! Then again, any webcomics I follow are those who were interesting enough for me to go back and read from #1 🙂
All these (except for Dreamland Chronicles because I haven’t checked) have RSS feeds (and thus LJ Synidcation feeds – I should know as I created a few myself 🙂 ). For the record, yes, I do take advantage of clicking the Project Wonderful ads to explore new sites 🙂
*Short Packed: It’s not just a Toy Store, it’s an adventure!
*Life, Drama, Action! Crazy antics at the Multiplex!
*Girls with Slingshots. We’re talking booze over here!
Coffee Shops, Indie Bands, oh my!
Still one of my favorites, SinFest!
A new strip with lots of potential! The danger of Fairy Tales!
As a techie, I can’t help but laugh at Dilbert’s life 🙂
*Dreamland: Fairy Tales are true if you know where to look.