A thought on LJ

Has anyone else taken the time (or interest) to read that LJ Research Report document?

Unsurprisingly, it finds that the main attraction for folks who use LJ is the INTERACTION one gets in posting thoughts/ opinions/ whatever about what’s on their minds… and the replies and discussions that sometimes come out of them…

Which is to say, that the ‘format’ of LJ seems to work a bit easier for folks who want to interact with an audience as opposed to simply “blogging” (which I’ve found in my own way is more for information sharing).

This, of course, is one of the main reasons I’m on LJ and read people’s posts. Because the writer is usually *sharing* something either in a stream of consciousness or definite manner that encourages replies and discussion.

Which is why, for instance, I would not see myself posting my Facebook status notes in an LJ post. Outside of the context of FB (which is more of a right now moment), those statuses don’t mean much. Even gathered together in a week’s worth of status updates they are simply “facts” and nothing more. No meat, no substance. Yes, FB now allows ‘commenting’ on status, but that’s all it is. a comment.

The same, I’m sorry to say, for Twitter. Tweets are valid for anyone else reading them ON Twitter at or near the moment they are posted. Collected… they don’t lend themselves to discussion. And are somewhat boring to read, too. I’d rather read about what you’re thinking about/ feeling/ doing in a thought-out way explaining the whys and wherefores… as opposed to just getting a type-fart. A one-time very interesting LJ poster suddenly becomes boring because all the thought and care that used to go into his posts… are gone. So… why should I continue reading?

Maybe it’s just the Writer in me who looks at this as just another lazy way of communicating. It’s not shorthand, it’s phone texting. Honestly? I’d rather have a post of LOL-talk.

Hm. I guess this turned out to be a thought on more than just LJ…

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