Midnight… (or 2am…) one more night without sleeping…

well, here’s a story I never expected to write…

Picked up the kids today at the usual time to find out that Kyle hadn’t been doing too well. Seems he woke up from his nap with a really high fever which calmed down after some tylenol. He had also been coughing quite a bit and so his pump was administered at 330pm. Not a big deal – it happens. Rarely, but it does.

At home, however, I realized that he wasn’t doing too well and that his breathing was still quite labored. I gave him both pumps at 530pm and had to administer again at 7pm when things were getting worse still. I knew I had to take him to the hospital.

Chantale was working late tonight in preparation for some very important and intensive simulations that will take her away for 3 days this week. Unfortunately, she also had Kyle’s medicare and hospital cards so I got her to come deliver them while her mother also came over to stay here while Charlize slept (since Chantale had to get back to her team).

So, off to the Montreal Children’s Hospital I went. Things went really well -outside of the fact that Kyle had to have 3 other masks administered to him and we ended up staying there over 5 hours… He was extremely well behaved and we passed the time watching movies and making puzzles. But, by midnight he was really at the end of his rope. I managed to keep him going until we finally were released at 130am and within 10 seconds of driving off towards home – he was asleep.

He was a real trouper and I’m extremely proud of him. But it was also a very long and difficult wait. Now, I’ve got to keep giving him his blue pump every 4 hours for the next 24 hours, plus a special medication every night for the next four nights (we got a dose before we left), plus 2 puffs of flovent every morning and evening for the next two weeks…

Feels like it was one of the most severe asthma attacks he suffered through so far…

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