
woke up with an awful headache today… even though I’m so exhausted at night that i can barely make it to 930pm… I’m happy to say that the kids seemed to have settled into the new timezone after one night – so they slept right through the night (although Kyle did come see me as I was leaving the house at 520am asking for a kleenex 🙂 so sweet as he whispers my name knowing he has to stay silent 🙂 ).

so, for the first time in a few weeks now I actually slept more than 3 uninterrupted hours… but it seems it wasn’t enough because the alarm hit me like a ton of bricks… i’ve been sleeping like crap for weeks. my mind just does not want to settle down. stress levels were rising without my knowing it…

too much to do… too much to do…

the October report on my health was pretty good. But now, we’re entering November’s deep hits which means I have to be more vigilant. The sun lamp + vitamins + good breakfast morning routines are going to get their bigger workout in keeping the sad at bay. we’ll see how things go and i’ll report on that in a couple of weeks.

for now… coffee beckons before a full day of meetings kicks off…

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