yoinked from
My marriage Doesn’t Need Protecting, Thanks.
Copy this sentence into your LiveJournal if you’re in a heterosexual marriage, and you don’t want it “protected” by the bigots who think that gay marriage hurts it somehow.
As of August 2008, my wife and I have been married for 5 years (and dating for almost 5 years before that). Not once during that span of time have I ever felt my marriage threatened by the actions of other individuals, be they gay, straight, undecided, experimental, or whatever. The notion that allowing two consenting adults who just happen to be of the same sex to share their lives — and to have that union recognized by the government — would do irreparable harm to the institution of marriage is, in a word, bullshit.
And I totally agree with what Dayton says on this topic:
“Gays getting married doesn’t “weaken the institution.” Heterosexuals not taking seriously the commitment they’ve made, either before God, the Justice of the Peace, or Elvis at the Chapel O’ Love in Vegas, weakens the institution. Heterosexuals going through life acting as though a marriage has all the same inherent responsibilities as maintaining your video rental membership weakens the institution. Heterosexuals fucking around on their spouses weakens the institution. So, shut up about what weakens the institution; you’re boring the shit out of me. Also, I’m not impressed with anything any Catholic priest has to say on this issue. Get your house in order, stop diddling your acolytes or covering up for those who do, and then — maybe — we’ll talk.”
He’s a very smart fellow that Dayton.
I always wonder, though, if Marriage is an institution… does that mean that we’re all nuts?