
Wow. Half the month is over already. Xmastime is becoming more and more of a reality, even as Halloween is 2 weeks away… hmmm..

This weekend was just fantastic. Seriously, I need more 4-day weekends 🙂 There’s something so liberating in being able to work on numerous projects at once without feeling stressed or pressured to finish knowing that there’s still “one more day” left to go… I feel like I got so much done even though they were only small projects! Perhaps it was knowing that they were so small and yet have been dragging so long because I have not had the time to devote to them in weeks/ months!

So, on top of finally reworking the Conventions portion of my web site, I got to taking down the gazebo in the back yard, transplanting a rose-bush-from-hell, installing the sliding closet doors in Melyssa’s room, and began sanding down the hallway (I’ve got my eye on completing that hallway by winter), I also began exercising on a stationary bike. Phew! Having James & Melyssa this weekend was extremely nice and made the 4 days that much more special. We all spent a lot of nice family time together talking about life, the future, and their own goals (plus cleaning up their rooms 😉 it was time for a revamp). Kyle & Charlize were also in really great moods and so wonderful to be around. It’s amazing what sleep can do!! LOL!

Yesterday, of course, was Turkey day. Stuffed ourselves to the brim for a lunch that lasted almost four hours 🙂 And… strangely enough, 5 hours later I was hungry again!! 🙂 Next year, though, I think I’d really prefer doing the Thanksgiving celebrating on the Sunday mainly because after a meal like that, the last thing I want to do is spend 2 hours in the car getting everyone home. I think it would be so much more enjoyable to (a) not be rushed to leave, and (b) have the Monday to just veg out.

Plus, I have to say that Turkey without Sunday football just ISN’T the same… 🙂

And now… back to the grind!

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