Sleep is Good.

Crazy, yes, but it’s still amazing how much good a night’s sleep does. Sure, it’s a completely “no duh!” moment but remember who you’re talking to here. I have not had a regular (ie; even 2 nights in a row) uninterrupted sleep in what seems like years. I guess about 3 would be right 🙂 By the time Kyle was sleeping through his nights, Charlize came along. And then, when she started sleeping through the nights, Kyle got into the age-stage of getting up. Being the light sleeper that I already am, this literally means that any small noise has the potential of cutting through my sleep.

Basically, I do absolutely wonderful on 6 to 6.5 hours of sleep – what I could potentially get without interruptions. The weird side effect of all this happens to be that on weekends (maybe every third one) when I do have the chance of sleeping in, I’m awake namely because I fell asleep early the night before! 🙂

Yesterday was so bad (headache pounding SO much I could have scooped out my right eyeball and frontal lobe with a rusty spoon) that I was in bed by 9pm. I managed to toss and turn for half an hour before getting about 20 minutes of sleep… until I woke up again and had to go take some Advil Migraine gelcaps. they worked, though, and I slept until 130am when I heard Kyle crying from downstairs. I got up to see and realized that he woke up, saw a light downstairs, headed there (passing by our room), found no one, and began to cry because he had to go to the bathroom 🙂

“nature” taken care of, he went back to sleep easily and so did I. 3 hours later I was up and getting ready to head out the door.

I took a quick check on the Cycling Club in my neighborhood and they’re still holding weekly excursions. I think it’s time I get back outside. The chilly air is a great wake up and I seriously miss my morning walks.

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