
We’re back!

Hello everyone! I read through 360+ messages and my eyes are bleary! 🙂

New Brunswick/ Caraquet was *really* great. I think the peace, tranquility, and even chalet surpassed all our expectations. Kyle and Charlize were absolutely great on their first plane flights ever and we just all had such a wonderful and amazing week that it’s been quite difficult coming off the “high” of it.

Heck, even Kyle stated how he wants “to go back to the Chalet” when we watched the 363 photographs scroll by on the computer screen…

Still in vacation mode even though a minor part of my brain has thought about the fact that work begins again soon. Still, it’s not a red-alarm kind of siren, more like a pop-up reminder (easily ignorable 😉 )

Definitely a place we’ll be going back to again…

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