5 Years of Wedded Bliss…

So, next Saturday will mark our 5th Year Wedding Anniversary.

To celebrate, we’re flying off to New Brunswick to spend a week at a cottage by the lake. Kyle and Charlize will be able to play in the “park” area right in our backyard and if the weather’s warm enough (doubtful considering the time and place) we can even jump in the water 🙂

A Wedding Anniversary trip with kids? What’s that about, you may ask? If you’re asking, then you don’t remember that it was ON our 4th Year Anniversary that Charlize went under the knife for her open-heart surgery at 2 months of age. This Anniversary will also mark 1 year that our child’s life was saved and she was returned to us. How could we NOT celebrate together?

Anyhow, our original plan was to drive to Bas Caraquet but after a while, the thought of being in a car for 12 hours with kids who are prone to low tolerance of car travel… well, we decided that for our own sanity flying would be better 🙂

I originally had plans to “stow” some secret items for the trip (planned for the 29th) so that when Chantale woke up on the 30th, she would walk into a little celebratory scene. However, since we’re flying, there’s no room to bring anything but the essentials. So, I needed a plan B.

The 28th will be spent last minute packing as well as sharing a glass of champagne with my in-laws, so that doesn’t leave time for any surprises. This weekend would have been too rushed and I needed time to plan.

The idea struck that since Chantale was in Vancouver on business this week, coming home at midnight tonight, it would be ideal. As much as I had wanted to surprise her in person on the morning of the 30th, having her walk into a home filled with love would do just as well. A week early is surprise enough, right? 🙂 So, with the kids in bed (out of all nights – tonight they decided to fight staying down!) I got out all my gifts and cards and put together a little table of goodies.

Her flight was changed so instead of landing at the airport at midnight and getting home before 1am, she’ll actually land just before 10pm which means she should be home by 1030pm. I’ve got all the lights turned off and a tea candle burning so as she walks into the darkened living room, she’ll come face to face with a little montage around this:

Again, these are from the Willow Tree collection. The dancing couple is called “Promise” (for a Promise of Love) and the seated children are “Brother & Sister”. The scene in mind (and detailed in the card) is: Our Family. I would not want anyone else as my Partner, either in Dance or in Life. Our children observe and share in our moments.

Is that nice? 🙂

There are a few other items around that table but I don’t want to post about them now. I’ll do it tomorrow 🙂 For now, I want to head upstairs and wait for her to arrive 🙂

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