It’s been a pretty bizarre thursday overall. I wasn’t too ready for the day’s sessions but luckily had a great time out for lunch when my uncle-in-law came to pick me up. We went to “El Gato Nero” and I had a great Calzone! 🙂 He even took me for a quick stop at The Beguiling. Maybe I’ll stop in at Silver Snail before I leave tomorrow…
The afternoon was a bit of a blur and now I’m waiting for the Banquet to start. I’ve already packed my suitcase (way too full!) and am ready for tomorrow morning’s checkout! Our flight out of Toronto is at 12pm. As soon as I land, Chantale picks me up and we head off on a 6 hour car ride up to Lac St. Jean to pick up the kids! 🙂
I’m really looking forward to seeing/hugging/kissing my family!! Homesickness kicked in today so i’m REALLY looking forward to going home!!
The boat cruise last night was a lot of fun. I didn’t expect Toronto’s skyline to look as nice as it did from the water 😉 I took a number of pictures and hope they come out. I’ll upload them on Sunday night if I can 🙂
It’s been weird not having access to the Internet on a regular basis. I can assure you I felt like a leper being one of a handful of people at a techno conference WITHOUT a laptop! 🙂
I almost need a vacation from this conference 🙂 Next week’s gonna be a hectic work week! Thank goodness the end of the month is fast approaching! A week in New Brunswick is going to be sweeet! 🙂
Be seeing you!