I was just thinking how next month’s release of Comicopia will mark its 18th Anniversary. Still amazed that a Print APA continues to plug along but not too amazed when considering the calibre of the members 🙂
This past weekend was the Paradise Comics Con in Toronto which would have been the one convention I would have normally walked around requesting Anniversary sketches from those I know. Alas, the timing was just not right and so I spent the day in Quebec city with the family instead 🙂
I guess I still have time to ask for any off-sketches anyone would like to share. Email (or blogging) is not as personal but in a crunch… (Tara, if you can believe it, I still have that 5th Anniversary drawing you did for me 13 YEARS AGO!!! lol! 🙂 )
Actually, I’ve gotta get those pieces out of the archives and make them available on-line 🙂 There’s some pretty funny ones in there, too (like a Sammy drawing (beat up as he seems to find himself in often) by Azad from a couple of years back 🙂 )
Time. Goes. SO. fast…